Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kefir and Garlic Green Smoothie

This one is truly unusual but so thirst quenching for hot summer days. I used to make this back in the 70's when I was living in Detroit and a neighbor from the middle east, Syria I believe, made this for me and I loved it. She gave me the recipe and I of course, modified it some but it still has the basic ingredients. She said this was one of the ways they kept their "cool" during the hot months. I forgot this idea for many years, but a couple weeks ago, when it was very hot here in Utah, I remembered this and revived it. Hope you try this one cause I think you will like it too.

2-3 cups homemade or commercial plain kefir. You can also use plain yogurt.
1-2 peeled and chopped cloves fresh garlic
1/2 tsp. Real Salt or other sea, high mineral salt
5-6 big leaves of spinach
handful of ice
4" piece of peeled cucumber (optional) fresh parsley is a nice variation too.

Blend all this up, liquify it and serve. Keep remainder in the fridge.


  1. Replies
    1. It's very versatile too. You can add most any other healthy thing you like.
