Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sourdough Banana Nut Bread

OK, a kind friend brought me some big, very ripe bananas that had to be used up right away.  I don't like freezing them.....takes up too much freezer space and I forget about them.   So, I came up with sourdough banana bread.  I don't bake sweet things very often either, because I eat it and stuff like this is just another weight gain source for me....not my husband.  But, this recipe turned out well and I used my small loaf pans and froze the finished loaves except one.  These I will keep in freezer...if labeled properly so I don't forget them.

Note; Using sourdough start for this kind of baking has some health advantages: the natural yeasts and bacteria in your start do some good things to the flour if given enough time...18-24 hours.  They start to consume or deconstruct the starches and the proteins which makes them more digestible for them and for US.  Soaking the flour also reduces the phytic acid on all grain flours, nuts and seeds, thereby rendering the minerals and nutrients bio-available for us. Baking also kills all natural yeasts, which is desirable. This is how to get some nutrition from the sweet baked stuff so many of us crave.   

Day before baking; combine the following...

3 eggs
 2/3 cup soft butter, or coconut oil or olive oil
1/2 cup sourdough start (you fed this yesterday)
1/2 cup kefir or whey or yougurt
1 tsp, Real Salt
1 huge or 2 small really ripe mashed banana
(you could also use pumpkin or squash puree about 1/2 cup)
2 cups of flour, mixed varieties like; whole wheat and sprouted spelt, or kamut or white wheat

optional; some raisins, soaked walnuts or pecans, chia seeds or flax seeds.

Mix together then cover until next day.  Then add
3/4 cup honey or agave or combination or same amount dry sweet stuff like sugar ( I like to use honey crystals).
Add 1 tsp.baking soda and maybe 2-3 drops lemon essential oil or vanilla. 

Pour into greased loaf pans or a 9x9 square baking dish.  Bake at 350 for at least 30 minutes or longer if in a single baking dish.  

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