Thursday, September 17, 2015

Turmeric Butter

This "butter"  is for inflammation 
anywhere in your body.  You can spread it on sourdough bread or pancakes or crackers or just about anything but I love it strait from a spoon.  Everyone knows turmeric is good for inflammation and this is a tasty way to get it.

Start with a 10 ounce clean jar.  Fill it half full with soft virgin coconut oil and then add 3 tablespoons of ground turmeric and gently stir.  Add about a tsp. of honey and a shake or two of cayenne pepper.   Taste.  If it needs any more of honey or pepper add it then fill the jar with more soft coconut butter.  Keep on the counter with a small spoon near by.  Take several tastes during the day.  It really does taste good.